Yesterday was Spencer's birthday. I can't believe he is 6 years old! I still remember vividly walking the halls of the Saddleback hospital on a beautiful Laguna Niguel, CA afternoon, wondering if it was going to be the day to finally see our little boy. And then being disappointed, scared and commited to set up camp in the parking lot because they wanted to send me home at 4cm. From the pattern of prior deliveries, that would only create the home birthing experience that Shawn had always dreaded. But luckily, they kept me and around 2pm, "I laughed him out" as the doctor put it. He was perfect.
We named him Shawn Spencer. Lauren wanted Mason. So all the way home both Lauren and I cried, she because Spencer just wasn't good enough, and I, well simply just because.....it's complicated, you know.
Well, that Lauren that couldn't bare having a "Spencer" in her life at the time has just loved on him since day one. Even yesterday when I picked her up, she asked Spencer if he was having a great birthday, and told him that she had told her whole class that it was his birthday, and they all wanted to wish him a "Happy Birthday." Isn't that sweet. And to this day, she still tries to be right there, "hand's on" when unwrapping presents, to show him where the tape is and the best place to pull the edges. Only for a little brother.
was born on March 25, 2003
Had lots of dark hair, and big hands.
In fact those hands will look just like his Dad's, big and strong. I can see that today.
Was a good, sweet baby with beautiful blue eyes.
Sucked his thumb early on. That led to one finger in his mouth, another up his nose, with the other hand holding his blanket close. Still, he was cute.
Loved wearing his Superman costume or cape WHEREVER we went. Especially loved to run and see his cape flapping in the wind.
Learned to ride a bike when he was barely 4. Nearly knocked his front teeth out: TWICE.
LOVES superheroes, especially Transformers. Has been asking for Transformers for a LONG time....I thought this phase would end.
Used to love dressing up in the girl's dress-up clothes.
STILL likes having his nails painted blue. Even when his friends ask in bewilderment "Why?".
Doesn't like to hug or kiss me when I drop him off to school. Although, I can always see him looking at me in the corner of his eye with a smile that he is trying to hold back.
That same look is there when I pick him up.
BUT, LOVES me to hold his hand when I'm at school. I can't leave without watching him at recess.
Absolutely MUST wear a suit and tie to church.
Often talks me into letting him wear it to school.
Likes jewelry, and often looks like Mr. T. I'm serious.
LOVES mud and dirt. Bathes every night, and I am constantly washing his shoes.
Was TERRIFIED of dogs (even little ones) until Raven came along.
Raven, our dog who eats EVERYTHING, was given Spencer's old bedspread as a new bed. He tearfully chewed her out while waving his finger, "You better not eat my blanket!".
Doesn't like to cry in front of people.
Breaks my heart when he cries after getting in trouble. I know that he is really hurt.
Is soft spoken.
A perfectionist in things.
Loves to read instructions and build things.
His next love: Legos.
A great little reader, and top of his class at school.
Has perfect penmanship for a little guy, and a great artist. It is astonishing.
Still loves his blanket. Lost his first one when he was tiny "in the mountains" on the way to Utah. Cried the whole way there. I cried too. Hasn't missed it since getting a new one from Aunt Natty.
Loves McDonald's. Tried to eat there twice for his birthday.
Says the only thing that makes him tired at night is being able to play with his toys, or read.
Loves them in the tub too. All of them, except the books.
Will always be our little Buddy. We love him!
Happy Birthday little man!
Happy 6th Birthday!!! We love ya!
Happy b-day to Spencer! What a cute boy.
Happy Birthday cutie pants!
I haven't cried that hard in a long time Layner! WOW!!! Happy Birthday You lil Handsome man! OH!.... I just MISS the kids so much!!! It literally yanks at my heart-strings! I guess there are just days when you wish you could get a Big Squeeze and I Love You from them!!!... Especially from Buddy! I'll start counting down the days for that!!! Yep!... I'll make sure to get 6... Yes, SIX birthday kisses from him!!! ;) :) :) I love you Buddy! Happy Birthday!! <3 <3 <3 Natty ;)
He is so cute. On Sunday he sat on Lauren's lap the whole time and announced several times, "I'm 6".
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