I did not anticipate moving would be so stressful. I think I was focusing on the positive side...good job, new home, more friends, new places and things. I failed to take into account the stress of selling our home (a first for Jalayne and I) including, but not limited to, a decling national housing market, an oversupply of homes in our immediate area, picky buyers, dissapointing offers, counter-offers, waiting, contingencies and inspection modification requests out the wazoo, re-siding the entire house, paperwork scanned and then scanned again...I could go on seemingly forever. In the end I guess we should simply be thankful we sold the home at a good price. It is hard to know if we should have held out for a better offer, but in the end I feel that moving sooner than later will be good for the family. All along we had hoped to get the kids in school at our new locale for at least a month, and it looks like we are on track to meet that goal.
The lesson I am taking away from all of this so far is be prepared...physically, menatally and spiritually.